Name: Lee, Tae Hyuk
Nationality: Republic of Korea
E-mail: thlee991@gmail.com
  1. Fluid mechanics
  2. Machine learning & Mathematics
  3. Data Analysis based on statistics
  4. Environmental issue
  5. Information technologies
  6. Algorithm
Environment engineering
Mechanical engineering
Yonsei univ Mechanical engineering (Master's course)
- Entered the Department of mechanical engineering (2020)Yonsei univ Mechanical engineering (Bachelor's course)
- Entered the Department of mechanical engineering (2018)Yonsei univ Environmental engineering (Bachelor's course)
- Entered the Department of Environmental engineering (2012)Military service as KATUSA(Korean Augmentation To the USA) (2014-2016)
1. Programming language & Framework
 Programming language
   - Java, Python, C, R scriptFramework
   - Tensorflow, Spring Boot2. Data anylsis
3. Machine learning
4. Numerical simulation(CFD)
5. Server Engineering & Development of Back-end system
  Software Engineer & Manager
    1. Development of I-FACTs Manufacturing Solution
  Back-end Server Engineer
    1. Development of API Gateway solution - completed